Valéry Grancher
Date of Birth : 22.04.1967
Place of birth : Toulon, Var, France
Nationality : French
Active as an artist, theorician and curator in artworld since 1992.
Graduated from Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts de Paris (hypermedia and visual art master) on 1995.
- "Opline Art Prize 2019" awarded for the Internet Public prize and nominated by Primavera de Filippi. November 19 2019
- "Stunning Awards" WIX, selected on 100 millions websites as finalist for the Stunning Awards. 2017
- Shortlisted and nominated for the COLLIDE international Art Award, by CERN. 2016
- Winner of "Villa Médicis hors les murs" for Japan, AFAA (video board, new technologies), France (1998).
- "Internationaler videokunstpreis", finalist for the International Awards for the video "Memory", ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany (1995).
Public collections:
- VMAC, Videotage Media Art collection, Hong Kong. Video "Admiralty" (2017)
- Bandjoun Station: Acquisition of 10 works on paper from the "Fayum portrait (refugees)" serie. Cameroon 2016
- Bandjoun Station: Acquisition of a 7 meters drawing about Daesh massacres. Cameroon 2015
- National Fund for Contemporary Art, Centre National des Arts Plastiques : Acquisition of video works (installations) "GEOPOL" (24:00 tracking shot of the horizon at the North Pole) and "Tanguntsa" (Plan sets the heart of Amazonia center of a village during 6:00 Day to Night) (2014)
- National Fund for Contemporary Art, Centre National des Arts Plastiques : public command in the context of the 'Pop up, USB' 2010 (2012)
- Prints and Drawings from the Museum of Art and History from Geneva, Switzerland. (Dos drawing) (2004)
- Rhizome ArtBase Net and media collection New Museum - New York : USA (2002)
- European House of Photography, Art Outsiders : Paris, France : "heart time / time heat" (website) (2001).
- National Fund for Contemporary Art, FNAC, Paris, France : "Screen Reposoirs" (screensaver), "On Air" (VJ Performance saved on DVD) (2000).
- Berkeley Art Museum Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, USA "24 : 00" (website) (1999 -2000)
- The Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris, France : "Longitude 38" (website) (1999), "Self" (website) (1998)
- Contemporary Art Centre of St Fons St Fons, France : "Ulysses" (video) (1996)
- ZKM Media Museum (video), Karlsruhe, Germany : "Memory" (video) (1994-1995)
- Carillo Gil Contemporary Art Museum, Mexico City, Mexico : "Memory" (video) (1994), "U-Topos" (Virtual Reality installation) 1995
- The new museum, the Institute of Contemporary Art, Villeurbanne, France : "Epridemik Remix" (video co-produced with Benedict Berry) (1993)
Since early nineties, the exhibitions :
- Fiminco Foundation, Romainville, France, November 19 - 24 2024
- MOW MUSEUM, Changsha, Hunan, China. Deember 15 2020 - February 5 2021
- Plan8 T Contemporary Art Museum, Changsha, Hunan, China. April - July 2020
- Louvre, Paris - Berlin Festival. March 2020
- FOSUN Foundation , Shanghai; December 15 2019 - February 12 2020
- Saison Vidéo, France, May 2017.
- SF Moma, San Francisco, USA. May 6 - July 2 2017
- National Museum of Kielce, Poland. September 15 - November 13 2016
- D'Inverno Museum, Siena, Italy. May 28 - June 24 2016
- K11, Hong Kong, (May 8-29 - June 4 2016)
- Bandjoun Station, Camerun (May 27 - December 31 2016)
- Inchiostro e Pietra Zonca Art Center (ZACC), Venezia, Italy, (March 2016)
- East Asian Studies, NYU, New York, USA, (October 2015)
- K11 and Connecting Spaces, Hong Kong (October 2015)
- Institute of Contemporary Arts ICA, London, UK. (September 2015)
- Center for Chinese contemporary arts, Manchester UK. (July 17 2015)
- Fabrica and Lighthouse Brighton, UK (July 2015)
- Electric Palace, Hastings UK. (July 2015)
- Phoenix Art Center, Leicester, UK. (July 2015)
- Hong Kong Arts Center, Hong Kong SAR (May 2015)
- Swiss Institute, Milan, Italie (2014)
- Contemporary arts Biennale, anciens hôpitaux de Douai, Douai, France (summer 2013)
- French institute, Tokyo, Japon. (february 2013)
- Centre International d’accueil et d’échanges des Recollets, Paris, France (2010)
- Fondation Verbeke, Belgium (2010)
- Glassbox, Paris, France (1998, 2009)
- Queens Museum of Art, New York, USA (2009)
- Emily Harvey Contemporary Art Fondation, New York, USA (2009)
- New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, USA (Rhizome)(2009, 2007)
- Lieu Commun, Espace d'Art Contemporain, Toulouse, France (2009)
- Espace d'Art Concret, Honegger Albers donation, Mouans Sartoux, France (2008, 2007)
- Musée des Beaux Arts, Nîmes, France. (2008)
- New Langton Art Center, San Francisco, USA (2008, 2002)
- Pacific Film Archive Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, USA (2007, 2001)
- Galerie Nikon, France (2007)
- Palais de Tokyo, site de création contemporaine, Paris, France (performance, solo show) (2006, 2005)
- Centre National d'Art Contemporain, Le Magasin, Grenoble, France. (2006, 2005)
- Istambul Contemporary Art Museum, Istambul Turky (2006, 2005, 2003)
- "Super !" 1ère Triennale des arts plastiques, de la mode et du design contemporain in Hasselt, Belgium (2005).
- Musée d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France (2005, 2004, 2002)
- MAMCO, Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland. (2004, 2005)
- Museo Castagnino, Rosario, Argentina (2004).
- Galleria de arte do Sesi, Sao Paulo, Brasil (2004).
- Musée D'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, ARC, Paris, France.(2004)
- Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, Switzerland (2003)
- Turm Gallery, Hemstedt, Germany (2003)
- Tirana Biennale National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albania (2003, 2001)
- MUHKA Contemporary Art Musuem, Antwerp, Belgium (2003)
- Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland (2003, 2002)
- Artsonje Museum, Gyeong Ju, South Korea (2002)
- Artsonje Center, Seoul, South Korea (2002)
- New Langton Art Center, San Francisco, USA (2002)
- Israeli center for digital art, Digital ArtLab, Holon, Israel (2001)
- Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France (2000)
- Museu da Imagem e do Som, Sao Paulo, Brasil (2000)
- Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, France (1999, 1998)
- Artspace of Australia, Sydney, Australia (1999, 1998)
- Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany (1998)
- Bonn Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany (1998)
- Documenta X Kassel, Kassel, Germany (1997)
- Ars Electronica Center (residence), Linz, Austria (1997)
- CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France (1996)
- ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany (1995)
- Carillo Gil Museum, Mexico, Mexico (1995)
- Pecci Museum, Prato, Italy (1995)
- Moderna Museet, Helsinki, Finland (1994)
- Contemporary Art Center, St Petersburg, Russia (1994)
- Centre d'Art Contemporain, Bruxelles, Belgium (1994)
- Biennale de Lyon, Lyon, France. (1993)
Private galleries :
- Live Art w3 art gallery (From November 2024)
- Incognito Art gallery, Paris, France (Otcober 2024)
- L'abri, Villervilles, France (December 2022 - January 2023)
- Monochrome Paris, Paris, France (2017)
- Mur Nomade, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR (2015)
- GVCC Galerie, Casablanca, Morocco (2014)
- Refusalon Gallery, San Francisco, USA (2000, 2014).
- Art Paris, Miss China gallery, April 2013, Grand Palais, Paris, France
- Miss China Gallery, rue française 75001 Paris : December 2012, March, May, October, December 2013, April 2014
- Galerie des Nouvelles Images, Hôtel Scribe, Paris (2012)
- Guest of Honnor at Show Off Artfair October 2011, monumental video installation down the Alexandre III bridge, Paris
- Analix forever gallery, Geneva, Switzerland. (2005, 2010)
- Lincart gallery, San Francisco, USA (2009, 2008, 2007, 2006).
- Sketch Gallery, London, Great Britain. (2005).
-, Franckfurt, Germany. (2003, 2004)
- Galerie Rachlin Lemarié, Paris, France (2003).
- Electronic Orphanage, Los Angeles, USA (2001).
- Haines Gallery, San Francisco, USA (2001).
- Deitch project, Jeffrey Deitch Gallery, New York, USA (2001).
- Galerie Gilbert Brownstown, Paris, France (2000).
- Galerie Chez Valentin, Paris, France. (2000).
- Tadu Contemporary Art Gallery, Bangkok, Thaïland (2000).
- Galerie Glassbox, Paris, France. (1998).
- Galerie Yvonamor Palix, Paris, France (1996).
- Galerie Patrick Martin, Lyon, France (1995).
Solo show, performances :
- From November 2024 Live Art "Stochastic calculations" curator Elena Zavelev
- CADAF Art Fair 2022, New York USA. November 11 - 13 2022
- CADAF Art Fair 2021, Paris, France. June 17-23 2021
- "Digital Humanities"curator Ying YI, Plan8 T Contemporary Art Museum, Changsha, Hunan, China. April - July 2020
- CADAF 2020 Artfair, solo booth. June 25 - 28 2020. New York. USA
- CADAF Art Fair 2019. New York. USA. June 25 - 28 2019
-"Where is our mind?" Art Statement gallery, Aberdeen Art Day, South Island Cultural district, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR. march 29 2018
- "Orb" After Piet Mondriaan, Google Tilt Brush and solo exhibition, Monochrome Paris, Paris, France. November 30 - December 30 2017
- "Unauthorized show" Virtual Reality Paintings, SF Moma, San Francisco, USA. May 3 - July 2 2017
Solo show
- "VR Art Jam" "Electronic Vibe": Immersive Virtual Reality 3 D painting performance on live at K11 Hong Kong.
Curators: Carol Sum and Jesse Lew. May 18 - 29 - June 4 2016 (Performance)
2015 :
- « Régression » Performance, Mur Nomade (French May 2015). Lamma Island, Hong Kong SAR. June 7 2015
- « Régression » Solo show, Mur Nomade (French May 2015). Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR May 9 – June 30 2015
2014 :
- « Valéry Grancher » solo show, GVCC Galerie, Casablanca, Maroc.
Curator : Mehdi Hadj Khalifa. June 24 – July 20
2012 :
- « Translations », solo show, Galerie des Nouvelles Images, Hôtel Scribe, Paris.
Curator : Pascale Cassagnau, Françoise Gaudin. September 20 – October 20
2011 :
- Honour guest Show OFF artfair Paris, Show Off Lab (Giant video billboard at the bottom of Alexandre III bridge 15 m x 4 m) « Video as haïkus » and « Ny Alesünd Pole 0 » a proposition by Valéry Grancher. October 18 - 23
2009 :
- "Geopol " TV performance : « geopol » a 24h00 video is broadcasted on Souvenirs from Earth TV. Souvenir from Earth TV showroom, Tokyo Eat, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France. April 12 00h00 - 24h00 (performance)
2008 :
- "New !" Solo show, galerie incognito. Paris, France. September 23 - October 19
- "Internet paintings", solo show, Lincart Gallery San Francisco, CA. USA 10 January 2 – February 16
2007 :
- "Art aux pôles" Nikon on line, France. June 8 – July 8
- "Skype performance" (Video performance via skype from the Polar base Rabot at Ny Alesünd Spitzberggen ), Venezia Biennale 2007 "exploratorium V 0.2" by Feria and Vincent, Venezuelan pavillon. Venezia, Italy. June 7 and 8 2007 17H00 2007
2006 :
- "Google paintings show", Nuit Blanche 2006, Salle d'honneur de Paris IV (curator: Metazone TV), Paris, France. October 7
- "Tropico vegetal lost in paradise", fifth tropical night "Tanguntsa Amazonie 0", Palais de Tokyo site de création contemporaine, Paris, France. June 29 (performance)
2005 :
- "The shiwiars project", solo show extra muros, Analix forever gallery, Geneva, Switzerland. November 4 - 20
- "The shiwiars project", solo show Palais de Tokyo, site de création contemporaine, Paris, France. September 1-20
2004 :
- "Google pataphysics" Art Cart gallery, solo show, Franckfurt, Germany. December
- "Webpaintings" Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris ARC library, Couvent des cordeliers 15 rue de l'école de médecine 75006 Paris, France. March 18 – May 16
2003 :
- "Google pataphysics" Art Cart gallery, solo show, Franckfurt, Germany. December
- "Global Landscape", performance at MUHKA, Antwerp, Belgium. August 4 2002
- "Webpaintings", solo show, Galerie Incognito, Paris, France. March 18 – April 18
- "fotofest biennial", live performance (1 DJ, 1 VJ) command by Wendy Watriss et Fred Baldwin, Houston, USA. March 12 (performance)
2001 :
- "Verbal" Curator : Miltos Manetas, electronic orphanage, solo show, Los Angeles, USA. September 15 – October 20
2000 :
- “Solo show”, la galerie Chez Valentin, rue St Gilles, Paris, France. October 21 – November 18
- "Inside Out Bangkok", Solo show. Curator : Luckana Kunavichyanont. Tadu Contemporary Art Gallery, Bangkok, Thaïland. February 18 – March 19
1999 :
- "Someone you know may be art", Worth Ryder Gallery, University of Art and Anthropology, Berkeley, USA. ( linked to the project "24h00" at Berkeley Art Museum). October 19 - 29
- "White Cube", curated by Richard Turner, Gughenneim Gallery, Chapman University, Orange County, Los Angeles, USA. October 18 – November 14
- "24h00", curated by Constance Lewallen, Berkeley Art Museum Pacific Film Archive (Opération côte ouest, A french scène on the american west coast), Berkeley, San Francisco bay, USA. October 4 – January 31 2000
1998 :
- "Surveillance", curator Nicholas Tsoutas and Adam Boyd, Artspace of Australia, Wooloomooloo, Sydney, Australia. Novmeber 12 - 28
- "Self" online exhibition (curated by Hélène Kelmachter and Hervé Chandès), La Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain. Paris, France. Avril
- Neoart 1 er anniversary (curated by Virginia Freeman). Athens - New York. Greece -USA. (solo show) January – February
1997 :
- "Obsessions", CAPC Musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, Galerie du musée. Bordeaux, France. Curator: Jean Marc Avrilla. March 1997- March 1998
Collective shows :
- "Stochastic Calculations", Holcha Space, Miami ArtBasel, curator: Elena Zavelev. December 4 - 8, Miami, USA
- "Ukraine War Mental Cage", Rencontres international d'art contemporain et images mouvement de Paris - Berlin, Fiminco Foundation, November 19 - 24, Romainville, France.
- "Sélection" collective show with "Concrete concept"" sculpture, Incognito Gallery, October 2024. Paris, France.
-"The Wrong Biennale", Covid 1984 pavillon, Alicante, Spain. November 1 2023 - March 1 2024
- "Orion 3000" curator Céline Shen and Yvonne Senouf, September - October 2023 Jardins des Tuileries. Paris, France
- "Jardins numériques" curator Géraldine Postel, with Miltos Manetas, Wolfgang Stahele, Rafael Rozendaal, and a few others... December 16 2022 - January 31 2023. Villervilles France
- "Metavers summit" curator Yue wang, Station F. July 15 to 17 2022. Paris, France
- "Digital Art Month" CADAF curator Elena Zavelev, AR artists works dispalyed all over Paris. June 1 - 30 2022. Paris France
- " Hommage à Isabelle Levenez" curator Isabelle Suret, Club 7.5. Artists list: Pauline Bazinian, Céline Cléron, Nicolas Delprat, Alain Declercq, Anne Ferrer, Rachel labastie, Valéry Grancher, Lea le Bricomte, Myriam Mihindou, Barbra Noiret, Cyrus William Robin, Fabien Veschaere. February 16 - February 20 2022. Paris, France.
- "Continuum in digitage" curator Géraldine Postel, Galerie Iconoclaste. artists list: Bernard Joisten, David Godichaud, Devon Dikeou, Jovana Ilic, Juliette Bineau et Samy Laribi, Luminium, Marie Maillard, miltos Manetas, Nao Okawa, Philippe Clémenceau, Valéry Grancher, Wolfgang Staehle. ZEVS. November 2021, Paris, France
- "Because Art" curator Shmulik Krampf, Achsania gallery. artists list: Jhon Killacki, Elieser Sonneschein, Daniel Tsel, Joseph Yossi Somer, Samuel Yates, Barry Mac Gee, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Haim Kiewe, Chris Isner, Ben Kadishman, Larry Abramson, Valéry Grancher, Zadok Ben David, Yonatan Gold, Pino Signoretti, Daniel Rollider, Nitza Livay Zarmi Orit. November 12 2021 - January 1 2022. Israël
- "Digital Art Month Paris ", June 1 - 30 2021
- "Digital Humanities", MOW Museum, December 19 - Februrary 15 2021. MOW MUSEUM, Changhsa, Hunan, China
- "Digital Humanities", MOW Museum, December 19 - Februrary 15 2021. MOW MUSEUM, Changhsa, Hunan, China.
- "Digital ART Month" Miami, curated by CADAF. December 5 - January 5 2021
- "Digital Art Month" New York curated by CADAF. October 1 - 31 2020. New York, USA
- "Paris Berlin" Video encounter and festival. Louvre. Paris. March 5-8 2020
- "Evolution, nouveaux Territoires" Curator Yeng Ze. With Salome Chariot, Kimikotomalune, Nicolas Grenier FOSUN Foundation December 18 - February 16 2020. Shanghaï, China
- "Evolution, nouveaux Territoires" Curator Yeng Ze. With Salome Chariot, Kimikotomalune, Nicolas Grenier FOSUN Foundation December 18 - February 16 2020. Shanghaï, China
- "Priceless sea" Saison video with Rossella Piccinno, Sabine Massenet and Valéry Grancher. Centre D'Art Contemporain de Roubaix , France. May 9-21 2017.
- "Reclaim our cultural landscape" photo festival , Black Country Living museum, Birmingham, Great Britain. May 6 2017.
- « En réponse à la guerre » collective show curators: Freddy Pannecocke and Valery Poulet, with Jacques Charlier, Claude Lévêque, Pierre Ardouvin among others artists; Museum of Brzeziny, Poland. November - December 2016.
- "AKAA Art Fair", Bandjoun Station both, with Barthélémy Toguo, Paris, France. November 11 - 13 2016
- "Salon" collective show with Chan Wing Nga, Niko de La Faye, Ana González, Régis Gonzalez, Valéry Grancher, Sarah Lai, Claire Lee, Sébastien Mahon, Vivian Poon, Nastaran Shahbazi, Tsang Chui Mei, Jovial Yeung, Mur Nomade gallery, Hong Kong. September 30 - October 8 2016.
- « En réponse à la guerre » collective show curators: Freddy Pannecocke and Valery Poulet, with Jacques Charlier, Claude Lévêque, Pierre Ardouvin among others artists; National Museum of Kielce, Poland. September 15 - Novmeber 13 2016.
- "MAT: Mouvement Art Technologie", Espace de Blancs manteaux, Paris, France - Juin 2016
- "Auction at Artcurial Art Autisme Paris", Château de Beauregard for the exhibition, and Artcurial Paris, France, for the Auction. June 18 - September 2016.
- "Electronic Orphanage collection" curated by Miltos Manetas, D'Inverno Museum, Siena, Italy, May 28 - June 24 2016.
- "Electronic vibes" collective show curated by Carol Sum and Jesse Lew, K11 Hong Kong. May 18 - July 4 2016.
- "Dialogues", collective show about portraits curated by Germain Noubi and Carine Djuidje, with David Hockney, Stephan Balkenhol, Roman Opalka, Janis Kounellis, Leila Alaoui, Jean David Nkot among others. Bandjoun station Camerun May 27 - December 31 2016
- « En réponse à la guerre » collective show curators: Freddy Pannecocke and Valery Poulet, with Jacques Charlier, Claude Lévêque, Pierre Ardouvin among others artists; Inchiostro e Pietra Zonca Art Center (ZACC), Venezia, Italy, March 2016.
2015 :
- "Umbrella Movement", collective show curated by HO Hing Kay Oscar with Kacey Wong, Map Office among others. East Asian studies, NYU. New York, USA. October 2015.
- « Both side 2 » curated by Isaac Leung (Videotage Hong Kong) and Jamie Wyld (Videoclub UK) : Screening in different institutions : Pheonix Cinema and Art Center Leicester UK ; Electric Palace Hastings UK ; Home Manchester and Chinese contemporary arts center Manchester UK ; Fabric and Lighthouse, Brighton UK ; ICA London UK, Connecting spaces Hong Kong ; with the artist such like : Ellen Pau, Map Office among others. July – October 2015
- « Art et cinéma : l’image regardée » Hong Kong Arts Center cinema Agnès b (French May 2015). With Charles de Meaux, Bernard Joisten, Ange Leccia among others . Curator : Anne Laure Chamboissier and Pascale Cassagnau. May 11-12 2015. Hong Kong SAR
- « En réponse à la guerre »collective show curators: Freddy Pannecocke and Valery Poulet, with Jacques Charlier, Claude Lévêque, Pierre Ardouvin among others artists; Centre d'art contemporain La Brasserie – Foncquevillers, France. May - September 2015
- « L’origine de l’Amour » curator Laurent Quenehen, collective show with Vincent Corpet, Aurélie Dubois, Orsten Groom, Cécilia Jauniau, Angelika Markul, Hervé Rabot, Suspensio Regina. Les Salaisons, Romainville, France. March 6 – 29 2015
- « En réponse à la guerre »collective show curators: Freddy Pannecocke and Valery Poulet, with Jacques Charlier, Claude Lévêque, Pierre Ardouvin among others artists; Centre Culturel de Noyelle-sous-Lens, France, February 2015
2014 :
- « En réponse à la guerre » collective show curators: Freddy Pannecocke and Valery Poulet, with Jacques Charlier, Claude Lévêque, Pierre Ardouvin among others artists; Ville d'Hornaing, France, December 2014.
- « En réponse à la guerre » collective show curators: Freddy Pannecocke and Valery Poulet, with Jacques Charlier, Claude Lévêque, Pierre Ardouvin among others artists; Ville de Rieulay – Maison du Terril, France. November 2014
- « En réponse à la guerre » collective show curators: Freddy Pannecocke and Valery Poulet, with Jacques Charlier, Claude Lévêque, Pierre Ardouvin among others artists; Château d'Hardelot – Centre culturel franco-britannique. July - September.
- « Newpressionism », collective show with Sylvie Fleury, Olivier Mosset, Jon Raffman, Petra Coltright, Robert Montgomery, Miltos Manetas, Luca Pozzi et bien d’autres … Swiss institute, Milano, Italy. June 12 – July 16
- « 10 years », collective show at MissChina, curator : Bonnie Tchien Hy. April 26 – May 30. Paris, France
- « Group study » collective show with Sandro Chia, Rick Oginz, Maya Smira, Elisabeth Ajtav, Jamie Mayne, David Karvasales, Dame Darcy, Ray Fernadez, Tamir Karta and Marcy Freddman. Refusalon Gallery, San Francisco, USA. February 20 – May 20 2014.
2013 :
- « Ho my Gold ! » collective show with Stéphanie Bouvier, Peter Hopkins, Chuck Nanney, Heesok Yu, Sinae Kim ect… Miss China 3 rue française 75001 Paris. December 14 2013 – January 18 2014
- « Where is our mind ? » Double solo show with BTHY, Miss China, 3 rue française 75001 Paris. October 6-25 2013
- « Hybrides 2 » Biennale d’Art Contemporain (Richard Fauguet, Claude Lévêque, etc…), ancien hôpitaux de Douai, France. September 21 – October 6 2013
- « Start up » collective show with Aymeric Ebrard, BTHY, Heesock Yu, Mijim Kim, Seulgi Lee, Si Nae Kim. Miss China 3 rue française 75001 Paris. May 18 – July 13 2013
- « Art Paris » artfair, Miss China Grand Palais, Paris, France. March 28 – April 2 2013
- « Cameleon » collective show with BTHY, David Lefebvre, François Jacob, Paola Gaviria. Miss China, 3 rue française 75001 Paris. March 16 – April 27 2013
- « Pop Up » collective show at Centre National des Arts Plastique at l’institut culturel français of Tokyo, Japan with Christophe Berdager et Marie Préjus, Samuel Bianchini, Mathieu Briand, Agnès de Cayeux, Stéphane Sautour, Claude Closky et autres…. February 9 – March 10 2013
2012 :
- « Fêtes Joyeuses », collective show, Miss China, 3 rue française 75001 Paris. December 8-29 2012
2011 :
- Honour guest of Show Off Artfair, October 21-23, Pont Alexandre 3, Paris, France
2010 :
- “Carte Blanche CS1”, collective show (curator : Michele Rebocchi) with Matt Collishaw, Roland Herzog, Jeanne Susplugas, Xavier Veilhan ect… Analix Forever gallery, Geneva, Switzerland. December 15 2010 –January 11 2011
- “Hors Oeuvres”, collective show (curator : Jean Marc Avrilla) with Yann Géraud, Ludovic Lignon, Fritz Stol Berg, Christian Vialard. JTM Gallery, Paris, France. November 26 – December 18 2010.
- “”, on line collective show (curator : Margherita Balzerani, Florent di Bartolo, Julien Levesque) with Christophe Bruno, Olga Kisseleva, Miltos Manetas, Angelo Plessas, Rafael Rozendaal ect… from october 20 2010
- “Drifting Identity station”, collective show (curator : Stefan Rusu) with Octavia Esanu, Ilya Rabinovich, Mark Velan etc … Centre International d’accueil et d’échanges des Recollets, Paris, France. March 16-26 2010
- "Polars Expeditions", collective show with Raphael Opstaele, Waldo Bien, Caroline Coolen, Tom Liekens, Joachim Koeste, Guido van der Werve, Xavier Cortada, Didier Mahieu, Zoubeir Ben Hmouda, Laurent Tixador, Pierre Huyghes, Louis de Cordier, Lieven Standaert. Verbeke Foundation. Belgium. January 16 – May 15 2010
2009 :
- "A Book about death" curator Mathew Rose, collective show. Queens Museum of Art, New York, USA. November 15 - 30
- "Six feet under", collective show with Ursula Achternkamp, Fanny Adler et Vincent Madame, Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, Collectif DN, Jean-Louis Chapuis, Matthieu Clainchard, Vincent Epplay, Charlie Jeffery, Cécile Colle}{Ralph Nuhn, Nicolas Fenouillat, Aurélie Godard, Sabrina Issa, Pierre Joseph, Djamel Kokene, Bertrand Lamarche, Stéphane Magnin & Emilie Maltaverne, Cyrille Maillot, Bruno Persat, Fabrice Pichat, Jérôme Poret, Santiago Reyes, Joël Riff, Jean-Philippe Roux, Eric Stéphany, Veit Stratmann, Laurent Tixador, Christian Vialard. Glassbox, Fondation Avicennes, Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, France. November 6 – December 13 2009
- "A Book about death" curator Mathew Rose, collective show. Emily Harvey Fondation, New York, USA. September 10 - 22 2009
- "Flamenco et frog legs", collective show with Bill Culbert, Pip Culbert, Omar Chacon, Alicia Escott, Rebecca Goldfarb, Graham Gillmore, Julia Goodman, Richard Haden, Charles Linder, Rudi Molecek, Lorenzo Mardaresco, Tucker Nichols et Matt Satz. Lincart Gallery, San Francisco, USA. August 2009
- "Splashback" curator Brian Droitcour, online exhibition with Annie Abrahams, Daniel Garcia Andujar, Ben Benjamin, heath bunting, Gregory Chatonsky, Shu Lea Cheang, Andrew Childs, Curt Cloninger, David Crawford, Mark Daggett, Joshua Davis, entropy8zuper, Andrew Forbes, Valery Grancher, Matthew Hoessli, Olia Lialina, David Lindeman, jimpunk, JODI, Yael Kanarek, Lucas Kuzma, Antonio Mendoza, Mouchette, MTAA, Robbin Murphy, Nettmedia, Scott Paterson, Pavu, Waldemar Pranckiewicz, Reinis, Satellite01, Sigma6, Starry Night, Eugene Thacker, Jake Tilson, Maciej Wisniewski, YoungHae Chang Heavy Industries. Rhizome at New Museum, New York USA. April
- "Version 01.B" , collective show with Damien Aspe, Cory Arcangel, Bruno Peinado, Pierre Huygues, Philippe Parreno, Space Invaders, Miltos Manetas, Djamel Kokene, Serge Comte, Daniel Firman, Claude Closky, Valéry Grancher. Commissaire : Jean Marc Avrilla. Espace d'Art Contemporain Lieu Commun, Toulouse, France. April 2 - 25
2008 :
- "Artist book international", Centre Georges Pompidou. Paris, France. October 23-26
- "Du Jardin au Cosmos" collective show with Darren Almond, Robert Barry, Joseph Beuys, Michel Blazy, Hamish Fulton, Wolfgang Laib, Jean-Luc Moulène, Melik Ohanian, Gyan Panchal, Giuseppe Penone, Robert Smithson et d'autres... Curator : Jean Marc Avrilla. Espace d'Art Concret, Mouans Sartoux, France. June 29 2008 – January 4 2009
- "Voyages horrifiques et espovantables en réseaux numériques..." La Grande dégelée Rabelais. Musée des Beaux Arts de Nîmes, FRAC Lanquedoc Roussillon. Collective show with Space Invaders, Michel Blazy, Clairet and Jugnet, Claude Closky, Natacha Lesueur et d'autres. Curator : Pascal Trarieux. Nîmes. France June 7 – September 28
- "SKANK BLOC BOLOGNA Number 2", New Langton Art Center. San Francisco, USA. May 3 2008
2007 :
- "Biome" curator Joanna St Clair, Lincart Gallery San Francisco, CA. USA October 23 – Decmeber 1
- "RIP.MIX.BURN.BAM.PFA" curator Richard Rinehart, Berkeley Art Museum, Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, USA. October 24 2007 – March 32008
- "Second night" (second life project) Nuit Blanche 2007, curator Jérôme Delormas, Christophe Bruno and Danielle Balit. Hôtel D'Abret, Paris, France. October 6-7
- "Google Art, or How to Hack Google" curator Ana Otero, a collective show by Rhizome at New museum New York, USA. October 2007.
- "On fait le mur !" (Curator : Jean Marc Avrilla), Espace d'Art Concret donation Honegger Albers, Mouans Sartoux, France. July 1 2007 – January 6 2008
2006 :
- "Beatrice Wood mama of dada, Young men and chocolates", Lincart Gallery, San Francisco, USA. November 7 – december 17
- "SLICK 01 international Art Fair" Paris, Lincart, San Francisco, USA. October 27-30
- "Lights in the black box" curator Marcus Graf, collective show with Andy Deck, Ana Caravalho, Angelo Plessas and others. Istambul Contemporary Art Museum, Istambul. Turkey. March 2006
- "A la une", (curator : Claude Closky) 60 splash pages by 60 artists for the Centre National d'Art Contemporain Le Magasin de Grenoble website, shown every day 4 minutes. Grenoble, France. January 21 – may 7
- "Global Groove" (nation building as art) with Sarawut Chutiwongpeti, CM Von Hausswolf and Leif Elggren, Gordon Matta-Clark, Phil Niblock, Superflex (with a reflexion on Nam June Paik work). The Art gallery of Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. January 1 - 25
2005 :
- "Web biennial", Istambul Contemporary Art Museum, Istambul, Turkey. September -Décember
- "FILE 2005" festival, Sao Paulo, Brasil. October 31 - November 20
- Deptford festival "Ephemeral cities", London, Great Britain. October 29 – November 27
- "Le Bureau des délations", "La nuit blanche" ("underneith videosurveillance" Metazone), Mairie du 4ème arrondissement, Paris, France. October 1 – October 2
- "Super !" 1st visual art, fashion, design triennal, Hasselt, Belgium . September 9 – November 13
- "Prog : me" Centro cultural Telemar. Brasil. July 19 – August 8
- "Summer show" collective show : Mathew Barney, Bernard Joisten, Art Otienté Objet, Cary Leibowitz, Made in Eric, Space Invader, Jose Maria Sicilia. Galerie Incognito, Paris, France. July 2 – 31
- "Neen day", curator Miltos Manetas, Sketch Gallery, London, Great Britain. April 23
- "web biennial" Contemporary Art Museum, Istambul Turkey. April 11 - December
- 6.00 ARCO 2005 et El Pais, curator: Roberta Bosco et Stefano Caldana. Madrid, Spain. February 10 - 14
- "A new website for Le Magasin" curator Claude Closky with the artists Liam Gillick, Kenneth Goldsmith, Fabrice Gygi, Thomas Hirschorn and many others. Centre National d'Art Contemporain le Magasin, Grenoble, France. February 2005
2004 :
- "Google Pataphysics" in 404 International Electronic Art Festival, Museo Castagnino, Rosario, Argentina. Decmeber 7 - 12
- "Google Pataphysics" in FILE 2004 exhibition, Galleria de arte do Sesi, Sao Paulo, Brazil. November 22 - December 2004
- "Ready to shoot" Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris ARC. Paris, France. Octiber 23 – January 5 2005
- "A new website for le magasin" curator Claude Closky with the artists Liam Gillick, Kenneth Goldsmith, Dominique Gonzalez Foerster, Fabrice Gygi, Thomas Hirschorn et bien d'autres. Centre National d'Art Contemporain le Magasin, Grenoble, France. September 2004
- "f.2004@shangaï, 50 french artists" curator: Henri Maurel, Christophe VixGras, Pierre Yves Lochon, Pascale Cassagnau, Olivier Chouvet; année de la France en Chine. Lifestyle Center, 10 Jianguo Xi Lu, district de Luwan, Shangaï, Republic of China. October 14 – December 20
- "Nuit Blanche", Metazone, mairie du 4 ème arrondissement, Paris, France. October 2
- ' Summer exhibition’ Galerie Incognito, rue Guénégaud 75006 Paris. France. summer 2004
- Cycle 'Troisième oeil' : "Les immatériaux vingt ans après, les artistes numériques". Musée d'Art Moderne Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France. June 20
- "3 ème oeil" (third eyes); (Art et cultures électroniques) "Tokyo / Frisco II: Docteur Dick" curator: Mark Alizart and Géraldine Gomez; Centre Georges Pompidou. Paris, France. January 18
2003 :
- "U_Topos", Tirana Biennale 2 directed by Edi Muka, new media section. National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Alabany. September 12 – October 25
- "Global landscape" "Web biennial 2003", Istambul Contemporary Art Museum, Istambul, Turkey. September - Décember
- "Visitation", collectove show organised by the magazine musica falsa, galerie Rachlin Lemarié. Paris, France. July 10 - 25
- "State of net art", curator: Arthur X Doyle, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland. April
- "Videorium 01" video, net-art, sound, digital art, multimedia, Les abattoirs, Toulouse, France. February 4 - 23
2002 :
- "High Light" organised by Refusalon Gallery and Culture Lounge, San Francisco, USA. November
- "Less Ordinary", a french art scene, collective show curated by Sungwon Kim. Artsonje center, Gwongjyu. South Korea. September 14 – November 10
- "Day Jobs" online collective show curated by Rick Rinehart, New Langton Art Center. San Francisco, USA. September 16 - October 10
- "Free manifesta" collective show curated by Sal Randolph, Frankfurter Kunstverein ground floor. Franckfurt, Germany May 24 – August 25
- "Less Ordinary", A french art scène curated by Sungwon Kim. Artsonje center, Seoul. South Korea. April 27- June 24
- "Videoformes 2002", new media and video festival curated by Gabriel Soucheyre. Clermont Ferrand, France. March 20-23
- "State of net art", curator : Arthur X Doyle, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland. March
- "Whitney biennial project" initiated by Miltos Manetas and organised by Lev Manovich, Olivier Zham, Hans Ulrich Obrist, New York, USA. March 5,6,7
- « New media line », kanonmedia, Vienna, Austria. March 1 – April 1
2001 :
- "Multiple personalities" collective show curated by Amy Davila et Mario Hergueta, Haines gallery, San Francisco, USA. December 6 – January 5 2002
- "" curated by Miltos Manetas, Deitch project, Jeffrey Deitch gallery, New York, USA. November 5-6-7
- "Texture", curator : Galit Eliat, Israeli center for digital art, Digital ArtLab, Holon, Israël. November 3
- Tirana Biennale, "' html show curated by Miltos Manetas, Tirana, Albanie. September 15
- "The Virtual mine" online exhbition curated by Fevzi Konuk, Germany. August 26 –September 29
- Art Cart and Station Rose à la Franckfurt art fair, "webcast lounge" curated by Mario Hergueta with, Pavu, Mouchette, Takuji Kogo, Blank and Jeron and beaucoup d'autres ... Franckfurt, Germany. April 28 – May 1
2000 :
- "Lomo, vues de Paris", curator Samantha Barroero. Le mois de la photo. Collective show at la fondation Gilbert Brownstown Cie, rue St Gilles, paris, France. November 3-25
- "Net congestion", streaming media festival, Amsterdam, Hollande. October 6-8
- "Art Outsiders", curator Henry Chapier, Jean Luc Soret. Maison européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France. September 7 - 17
- First electronic language festival 'File'. Museu da Imagem e do Som , Sao Paulo, Brésil August 8 – September 1
- "Channel", video biennal curated by Robert Wienek and Malcolm Payne. University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa July 22 – August 1
- "On Air !", video performance (VJ) sponsorised by La mission an 2000 (ministère de la Culture, France). Curator: Gilles Mora. "Les rencontres internationales de la photographie d'Arles", théâtre antique, Arles, France. July 8
- "Deptford X Festival”, South London. Curator: Paul Malone. Collective show, London, Great Britain. June 17 – July 2
- "Street TV", video show curated by Contemporary Art Museum of Kita Kyushu. Curator Takuji Kogo, Hidenobu Mori. Street giant video billboard in Kokura, Kita Kyushu, Japon. April 28
- Opening of BF 15, curator: Claire Peillod, collective show. BF 15, Lyon, France. February 11-13
- Ange Leccia, Marie Ange Guilleminot, XFC, Evelyne Keoppel, Valéry Grancher. Collective show curator Shmulik Krampf, Refusalon Gallery, San Francisco, USA. January 6- February 6
1999 :
- "Oriental Bazaar", curated by Takuji Kogo and Kazunari Horiguchi, with John Miller, Mouchette, Ethical Bros., GH Hovagymian, Peter Sinclair, Michael Kosturos, Candy Factory, Yokohama, Japan. November
- "Try to connect", curated by Olga Kisseleva, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Ptolémée 1999, La Villette, Paris, France. November
- "Carte Blanche" FIAC 1999, curated by Pascale Cassagnau, Stand du ministère de la Culture, Foire Internationale d'Art Contemporain, Portes de Versailles, Paris, France. September
- "Voices" (including 'project ?') curated by Takuji Kogo, Candy Factory, Yokohama, Japon. august
- "1 monde réel" curated by Hervé Chandès and Hélène Kelmachter, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, France. June 29- November 30
- "Project ?" curated by Valéry Grancher and Takuji Kogo, with Mouchette, Rainer Ganahl, GH. Hovagymian, Artspace of Australia, Wooloomooloo, Sydney, Australie. March 11 – April 4
1998 :
- "Project ?" curated by Takuji Kogo, with Rainer Ganahl, Mouchette, GH. Hovagymian, Candy Factory, Yokohama, Japon. Decmeber 19 – January 10 1999
- "Videothèque" curated by Raphaëlle Jeune, Bonn kunstverein, Bonn, Germany. September 29
- "Young video art from France" curated by Inke Arnes, Neuer Berliner kunstverein, Berlin, Germany September 28
- "In Vitro" curated by Gianni Motti, Glassbox gallery, Paris, France. September 19-26
- "Sonar", curator : Natascha Carron, Barcelona, Spain. June 18-20
- "Videoformes" (curated by Gabriel Soucheyre), Festival vidéo et multimédia. Clermont Ferrand, France. March 11-28
- "Embrasser le futur" (curated by Jacqueline Klugman and Jean Michel Ribette). Le Passage de Reitz. Paris. France. January 6 - February 13
1997 :
- "La Galeria de net art". Lima, Peru. August 1997
- 'Artist in residence'. Ars Electronica Center. Linz, Austria. August 1997
- Documenta X Debate. Documenta X, Kassel, Germany. June 21 – September 28
- "Fleshfactor" Ars Electronica net symposium. Ars Electronica center, Linz, Autriche. April 7 – September 13
- "Re-figuraciones X-transfiguraciones", ACC l'Angelot, Barcelona, Spain. January 21 –February 21
1996 :
- "Mutation 2", La Ferme du Buisson, Noysel, Marne la Vallée, France. October
- "Le cirque d'hiver", Paris, France. October
- "FIAC 1996", Espace d'art Yvonamor Palix, Espace Eiffel Branly, Paris, France. October
- "Global Tekno2", CAPC Musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, Galerie pour la vie. Bordeaux, France. September
- "Global Tekno2", Passage de Reitz, Paris, France. June - September
- "Basel Art fair 1996", Espace d'art Yvonamor Palix, Basel, Switzerland. June
- "Version 2.2", Centre d'art de St Gervais, Geneva, Switzerland. May
- "SAGA 1996", Espace d'art Yvonamor Palix, Espace Eiffel Branly, Paris, France. April
- "Fluctuations Fugitives", Espace d'art Yvonamor Palix, Paris, France. January – February
1995 :
- "6 e semaine internationale de la vidéo de St Gervais", Centre d'art de St Gervais, Geneva, Switzerland. November
- "Internationaler videokunstpreis", nominated at the international awards video art for the video "Memory", ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany. November
- "XY", "Just from cynthia" collective project with Alberto Sorbelli, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France. October
- "Ensayo General", Carillo Gil contemporary art museum, Mexico, Mexico. April - May
- "Eletronie d'arte e altre scriture", Pecci Museum, Prato, Firenze, Italy. April
- "Cyber", Galerie Patrick Martin, Lyon, France. January - February
- "DIGI", Hong Kong, China. January
1994 :
- "Computer space", National Palace of culture, Sofia, Bulgarie. October
- "F.I.S.E.A", Moderna museet, Helsinki, Finlande. August - "Art and new technologies", Contemporary art center, St Petersbourg, Russia. july
- "SIGGRAPH 1994", County convention center, Orlando, USA. July
- "Exposition", Centre d'art contemporain, Bruxelles, Belgium. March
1993 :
- Festival vidéo "Arts plastiques", Hérouville St Clair, France. December
- "F.I.S.E.A", Mineapolis, USA. November
- "Biennale de Lyon", ateliers Gilbert Monin, Villeurbanne, France. September
- "Image en scènes" Art 3000, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France. June
- "The five senses", Brighton, Great Britain. May
- "Ateliers Gilbert Monin", Villeurbanne, France. Mai
1992 :
- "Ars Technica, les arts au défi des technosciences", Pavillon tusquet, La Villette Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Paris, France. November
Conferences since 1995 (selection):
- "Digital Art" by Arts Arena at Columbia University: Valéry Grancher and GH Hovagymian. October 13 2023 Paris
- "Colloque sur les NFT" Académie des Beaux Arts. Paris France. March 1 2022
- April 30 2021: "Valéry Grancher masterclass: Digital art and NFT" organisé par E-startup sur le réseaux national de France des écoles supérieures de Graphisme et Design.
- April 29 2021: "La peinture au troisième millénaire", organisé par Alexandra ABK, Université de Paris Sorbonne et Université de Bordeaux
- April 28 2021 : "Qu'est ce que l'Art Interactif", Musée le Consortium, Dijon France, organisé par le collectif Equinoxe. Intervenants: Laurent Mignoneau, Scenocosme, Valéry Grancher
- Les Rencontres Open Sources organisées par Ground Control le 12 Janvier 2020 à 16:30 - 17:30
Panel #3: Implications de la blockchain et intelligence artificielle sur les nouvelles pratiques de production artistique
Primavera De Filippi et Valery Grancher
- March 29, 2018: "The Art World Forum 2", The new Art Dynasty: "The millennial Case study: Contemporary Art in Marketplace, Mrs. Chloe Ho artist, Mr. Valéry Grancher artist, interviewed by Gladys See Emerging Collector. Aberdeen. Hong Kong SAR.
- March 7, 2017: In the context of "Ni autochthone, ni Contemporain" by Vincent and Feria, lecture "Beyond the Occident" at la Colonie (By Kader Attia), 10 rue Lafayette, Paris, France. (Live skype session from Hong Kong)
- November 30, 2016: "After Godard, how are you doing ?" 1/F Broadway Cinematheque, Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
- March 9, 2011: "Contemporary Art and geopolitical" IEP (Sciences Po Paris), Paris, France.
- February 8, 2011: "the aesthetics of the Present ', ESBA Nantes, Nantes, France.
- June 8, 2010: "IPY" (International polar year) "aesthetics of the Poles" conference, Oslo, Norvège.
- April 28, 2010: "The aesthetics of the Present", Complex Systems Institute FCSI - PIF, Paris, France.
- 4 to 6 November 2008: "Thought World" seminar (organized by Pierre Paliard) with Basserode Jerome, Peter Fend, Peter Sinclair, Jérôme Joy, Alejandro Duque, and many other artists, School of Fine Arts in Aix en Provence. France.
- December 14, 2006 : "Art at the poles," Duthion Conference with Laurent and Catherine Rannou, UHB Rennes 2 (University of Rennes), Rennes, France.
- November 21, 2006 18 :30: "Globalisation, the extreme territories and new media" courses - conferences, Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris, France.
- November 14, 2006 18 : 30 : "The End of Art: Disappearance of a modern and births of new positions," Courses - conferences, Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris, France.
- November 7, 2006 18 : 30 : "New Media Landscape" courses - conferences, Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris, France.
- March 14, 2006 18.00: "Artists entrepreneurs," Fabrice Hyber, Valéry Grancher, ENSBA, Paris, France
- March 7, 2006 7 : 30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. "Extreme territories, globalization and new media." Courses - conferences, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, France.
- February 24, 2006 18h00 : "10 years of activity," Valéry Grancher FNAC Digitale, Bd St Germain des Prés 75006 Paris.
- February 22, 2006 6 :30 p.m. to 9 :00 p.m. "Extreme territories, globalization and new media." Courses - conferences, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, France.
- February 1, 2006 6 :30 p.m. to 9 :00 p.m., "The end of art: Disappearance of modernity and creation of new positions." Courses - conferences, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, France.
- January 25, 2006 6 :30 p.m. to 9 : 00 p.m. "Landscape of the new media contexts and economic, cultural upheavals." Courses - conferences, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, France.
- January 17, 2006 18 :00: Debate "The digital arts and art institutions do they mix?" Laurence Dreyfus (exposure Comissioner), Stéphane Mauguet (numeris causa), Valery Grancher (artist). ENSBA, Paris, France.
- 4 November 2005 : "the Shiwiars project" Roundtable with Anne Christine Taylor (Arts Premiers museum, branly dock), Jean Patrick Razon (Survival International) Pascual Kunchicuy Carasco (Head and founder of the Shiwiar confederation), Pascal Languillon (for another tourism), Mark Sanchez (program director of the Palais de Tokyo). Palais de Tokyo, site for contemporary creation, Paris, France.
- May 28, 2005 2 :15 p.m. "Net art history ?", Centre Georges Pompidou Museum of Modern Art, FlashFestival, Paris, France.
- April 5, 2005 11 : 00 : "Tokyo Ozone", "Art and wifi", Palais de Tokyo contemporary creativity, Paris, France.
- January 9, 2005 5 : 15 p.m. to 6 : 30 p.m. "" 1994-2005, The Cube multimedia culture, Issy les Moulineaux, France.
- December 3, 2004 14 :30 : "Valéry Grancher 1994 -2004" Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, Paris, France.
- June 20, 2004 18.00: Cycle 'third eye': "The immaterials twenty years later, digital artists," Museum of Modern Art Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
- Christophe Bruno, Loz and Valery Grancher "The network is too much of the art" (conferences) November 6, 2003 19-21h in Metz, the "Trinitarian".
- University of Genêve Laboratory of Human Ecology, Genêve, Switzerland. (2003) - CRDP of Grenoble at the invitation of Centre for Contemporary Art Store, Grenoble, France (2003)
- Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris, France : Net Art History (2003, 2002, 2001)
- French Cultural Centre, Douala, Cameroon (2003).
- Mediacité, Bordeaux, France (2002).
- Soros Fundation, Bucharest, Romania. (2001)
- University of Paris IV Sorbonne, Paris, France. (2000)
- Silipakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. (2000)
- The Art, Technology and Culture Colloquium (Ken Goldberg), UCLA Berkeley, Berkeley, USA. (1999)
Seian University, Kyoto, Japan. (1999)
ENSBA Lyon, Lyon, France. (1995)
Supports and subsidies for the productions :
- POLIS 180 "DATA POLICIES IN EU", E-residence with a data scientist, prouction of a VR Painting "A virus way in our brain..." December 5 - 31 2020. Berlin, Germany.
- International Polar Year, IPEV (French Polar Institute Paul Emile Victor): residence of one month to the Arctic station Rabot Ny Alesund. Spitzberg (2007)
- DICREAM, CNC, Ministry of Culture and Communication, France for "Samsara" (website) (2003)
- DICREAM, CNC, Ministry of Culture and Communication, France for "Heart Time / Time Heat" (2001)
- FIACRE (editing help), National Center of Plastic Arts, Ministry of Culture and Communication, France for "No memory book" (2000)
- The mission of the Year 2000, the Ministry of Culture and Communication, France for "On Air" Performance VJ (2000)
- French Alliance for a solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Gallery Tadu,
- Bangkok, Thailand (2000)
- "Program Card", AFAA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France for "24 : 00" (1999)
- "Since" The French-American Fund for contemporary art, USA for "24 : 00" (1999)
- UC Berkeley Consortium for the Arts, USA for "24 : 00" (1999)