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"Orb" After Piet Mondrian

VR Installation, Google Tilt Brush



The "Orbs" are produced with Google Tilt Brush and Oculus Rift. These are manual gestures in the virtual space, virtual textures and sometimes even words.

Everything is focused on energy and flux. They also question the paradigm of Sculpture with the absence of gravity, new materials (smoke for example), and floating objects in space. The challenge is not to use technologies for technologies, but to define new paradigms of spaces, forms, and new concepts, all linked to the link between Virtuality and Reality. Because often these forms once conceived in the virtual space, find a physical existence through the 3D prints, and define new forms that can not be conceived in the physical space.

The result of VR as a simulation, the still images produced go from sculpture to painting with a 3D perspective effect inside the abstract iconology as the result as a digital painting ... For the project realized in Monochrome Paris, the point is to modelize in the virtual space at scale 1/1 the Piet Mondriaan studio of the Rue du Départ in Paris, and to realize with Google Tilt Brush in situ on this topos a work questioning the Mondriaan neoplasticism. The telescoping of our two visual languages, one initiated on 1917, mine on 2017, will question the legacy of modernist utopia worn by Piet Mondrian at the time of the centenary of Der Stijl.


At the time of post-internet, post-media, post-sculpture and post-painting; Virtual Reality is a way to challenge all these practices through a new type of simulation and as Philip K Dick said: "The reality is what does not disappear when we stop believing in it. There is no morality, prejudice or meaning, it is like nature, on the other hand Art has the same behavior by being both a reality and a simulation! "

A project in collaboration with Monochrome Paris and the support of Bertrand Grimont gallery, (Paris) and Achetez de l'Art


Valéry Grancher 2017

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